Normandin Beaudry Pension Plan Financial Position Index on September 30, 2023 – Quebec Municipal and University Sector
The average pension plan’s going concern position remained relatively stable in Q3 and since the beginning of the year, whereas their solvency position improved during those same periods. Higher interest rates are generally favourable for pension plans, whose financial situation has remained at enviable levels for some quarters.
October 2023
Normandin Beaudry Pension Plan Financial Position Index on June 30, 2023 – Quebec Municipal and University Sector
The average pension plan funded ratio changed little in Q2 2023 and year-to-date.
As at June 30, 2023, the average funded ratio of municipal and university sector pension plans is 102% for the Previous component and 119% for the New component (the components distinguish between years of service accumulated before and after January 1, 2014, for the municipal sector and January 1, 2016, for the university sector). The ratios for both plan components are at the same level as at the beginning of the quarter, up 3% and 4% respectively since the beginning of the year.
July 2023
Municipal pension plans – Dismissal of appeals in the challenge of Bill 15
On May 10, the Quebec Court of Appeal dismissed all appeals challenging the Act to foster the financial health and sustainability of municipal defined benefit pension plans (“Bill 15” or the “MSPP Act”). Honourable Justices Mainville, Gagné and Rancourt of the Court of Appeal unanimously upheld the ruling rendered by the Honourable Justice Moulin of the Superior Court.
May 2023
Municipal and university sector
Regulatory reform of defined benefit pension plan funding
On April 5, the Government of Quebec published a draft Regulation respecting the funding of defined-benefit pension plans of the municipal and university sectors (draft Regulation), which replaces the current regulation for pension plans in this sector. Market stakeholders had been expecting this announcement, since this regulation covers the specifics of funding and administering defined benefit pension plans in the municipal and university sectors.
April 2023
Normandin Beaudry Pension Plan Financial Position Index – Quebec Municipal and University Sector, March 31, 2023
After a quarter marred by market and interest rate volatility, the average pension plan funded ratio at the end of Q1 2023 remained consistent with that as at December 31, 2022.
As at March 31, 2023, the average funded ratio of municipal and university sector pension plans is 102% for the Previous component and 119% for the New component (the components distinguish between years of service accumulated before and after January 1, 2014 for the municipal sector and January 1, 2016 for the university sector). The ratios for both plan components are respectively up 3% and 4% over the quarter.
April 2023
Normandin Beaudry Pension Plan Financial Position Index | Quebec Municipal and University Sector
Today we are launching the Normandin Beaudry Pension Plan Financial Position Index. Our specialists closely monitor the financial position of our clients’ defined benefit pension plans and will present this index to you on a quarterly basis, and this, separately for the Quebec municipal and university sector.
January 2023